Al Humpal is wearing the Lion's Club hat in the photo above. In past years he has worn many other hats as well, all of them successfully. The best known is his fireman's hat and in the photo he is wearing his dress fireman's shirt and badge. But he has also been involved in law enforcement, repair, sales and many additional community service projects as well. Al is also successful where it counts most where he doesn't wear a hat, as a family man.
Today Al, at 83 years old, is in good health, except for some temporary eye problems.
Recently he got recognition for his thousands of hours of community service in an Amery Free Press article on his long tenure with the Deer Park Fire Department.
Deer Park's North Country
4-H club poses for a couple of photos in May of 2001. Photos by Robert
Vivian Wildasin is on the
left. The little deer in the background were recently added to the Deer Park
Events board at this time.
Hazel Olson, 92 years old as photographed on May 28, 2000
Hazel Olson, a long time Main Street resident of Deer Park, is now 92 years old. She visited Deer Park's Calvary Cemetery with Artis and Arval on May 28, 2000 in preparation for Memorial Day.
Hazel lives at Maple Manor and says she would like people to visit her.
Hazel is as always, likes to talk and has excellent recollection of everyone in Deer Park.
Health? Eye sight is a problem, hearing a slight problem.
Hazel has been very active in the past in various activities in the Methodist Church. For many years she was one of the cooks at Deer Park School and many that attended during the 1950's on remember her and her cooking very well. Late husband Ed was an employee of the CNW Railroad.
Thanks, Hazel
for everything.