A memorial to Raymond F.
Hammelman 2002,
is an Eagle Scout Project by Sam R.
A memorial to Raymond F.
Hammelman 2002,
is an Eagle Scout Project by Sam R.
The print version of the cemetery directory shown
Calvary Cemetery has 1,235 sites and is growing by about 10 per year. The earliest birthdate shown is from the 1700's, in the latest directory, with over 1,235 records now online.
Deer Park History
A discussion on Deer Park History and Calvary Cemetery.
A Real Audio File - 4 min 30 sec.
Get the FREE Real
Audio player here.
Lowell Fouks, President
Carolyn Mertz, Secretary
Ruth Severson
Ted Olson
Pete Thompson
Kermit Thompson
Barbara Place, Treasurer
Elden Setter
Jerry Croes
Memorial Day 2008 will mark the first time video has been used to cover the Memorial Day event at Calvary.
Video contents:
1. The New Richmond American Legion and the New
Richmond VFW salute the buried veterans at Calvary. Chuck Mehls, squad
2. Lowell Fouks lists veterans honored this year and Pastor Pat Nolet of the United Methodist Church, the main speaker, opens the program with a prayer.
The American Legion/VFW squad also called at Cylon Methodist Cemetery near the 4-corners and Saint Bridget's cemetery in Stanton Township before their 10:30 a.m. appearance in Deer Park. Bob Kastens, holding the flag on the left, and Bob Kaczmarski on the far left, who were members of the former Deer Park Legion unit, participated this year as new members of the New Richmond American Legion.
Video file: 8 minutes, 13 seconds | 36,007 KB
Calvary Cemetery Links
April 14, 2006: A notice from the Calvary
Cemetery Association
The price for a gravesite will increase to $300.00 effective August 1, 2006.
The Deer Park Community Center now creates an
XML/RSS news feed.
Click for RSS/XML information.
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Deer Park Obituaries |
Calvary Cemetery Veterans List |
Visitors since August 19, 2002