HCE Logo

"HCE" under the house without walls confirms a commitment to membership open to all, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, handicap or national origin.

Home Community Education Club

Deer Park, Wisconsin 54007
formerly Deer Park Homemakers

The Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, Inc., is a non-profit educational organization comprised of member associations in 59 counties in Wisconsin. The organization is unique in that members extend the information they receive from the University faculty and other reliable sources to the membership and community. Program planning and leadership training are provided by a collaborative effort of WAHCE, Inc. and the UW-Extension Family Living Program. The UW-Extension faculty serve as advisors to both the state and county HCE Associations. Education programs are developed after careful study of statewide concerns.

Our Goals are:
To provide continuing education for members and others on issues that will strengthen families and communities.
To develop and improve leadership skills of members.
To build coalitions with other organizations and agencies having similar objectives and concerns as WAHCE, Inc.
To promote friendships and understanding with all people of the world.

HCE 2011
HCE filling "love bags" as our project this spring to give to Grace Place. The bags will contain toiletries, books for kids, blankets, stuffed animals, and other items that someone can call their own when taken from their home and placed somewhere else temporarily..

About Deer Park's HCE

  • Deer Park's HCE has 15 members.
  • Originated and participate in the Holiday Fair the first Saturday in December.
  • Pick up ditches along County Road H.
  • Sell pies at the Lions spring dinner with proceeds of the pie sales usually going to help with a Lions' projects.
  • Donate money to charitable organizations, including the Deer Park Library and Community Center.
  • Take in cultural events such as going to plays, etc, as a group.
  • Meet the third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. usually at the Community Center, but sometimes whichever member is serving may decide to hold the meeting in her home.
  • Go on tours.
  • Exchange craft ideas.
  • Attend St. Croix County HCE events and learning sessions.
  • Our members range in age from a new mother to great-grandmothers, and we have fun learning from each other and socializing.
  • Activities and events are provided to all clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, creed or economic circumstance.

hceThe HCE of Deer Park present 38 bookbags sewed for the library summer reading program, June 2015.
Lois Burri, Vivian Wildasin, Elaine Solum, Virginia Aasmundrud, Librarian Pat Waterman, Ruth Severson, Charlotte Croes.

Deer Park HCE made the quilt and all clubs in the county will sell tickets with proceeds going to the Bookworms Trail project at Homestead Park. Contact Sharon Balcerek or any Deer Park HCE club member to get raffle tickets. The drawing will be held on Sunday at the St. Croix County Fair in the HCE building. There will be items such as a painting, table runner, and other items that will be on display at the fair also included in the raffle drawing. The Bookworms trail project is the building of 4 little "reading houses" for kids to stop along the trail and read a small book about the plants and animals that they see in the park. The park is the Homestead Park on Perch Lake in St. Croix County.

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