Deer Park, Wisconsin
General Leader Contacts: Lisa Weiske 246-2918 and Cheryl Kemling 246-2890
The North Country 4-H Club meets the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the basement at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Fun, games, community service, and planning for the fair are just some of the things the club enjoys!
New! [Fall 2008 and Winter 2009 Events]
The North Country 4-H Club had their 2005-2006 Awards Banquet and Installation of new Officers on Saturday, October 21. They also made cookies they are planning to sell at the Halloween Party on Sunday October 29th for a fund raiser.
Check out these archived 2006 North Country pages!
[North Country 4-H Summer 2006]
[North Country 4-H
Winter and Spring 2006]