The confirmation class of 2006. Pictured are Pastor Dan,Jessica Heiden, Rebecca Warner, and Erica Kemling on Sunday, May 7th.
Birth Announcements
Rayna Lynn Case was born to Linn and Laura (Boche) Case on January 9.
Evan Joseph Ailts, born March 30, 2006. Parents are Joe and Ilisa (Sykora) Ailts.
Carter James Anderson, born on June 1, 2006. Parents are Jerid and Courtney Anderson. Grandparents are David and Susan Anderson.
Joshua Mark Kaczmarski, born on June 19, 2006. Parents are Mark and Rachel Kaczmarski.
Sam Walter Waters, born July 7, 2006. Parents are Sheri and Chad Waters.
Seth Eric on July 22, 2006. Parents are Michelle and Eric Brihn, grandparents are Cindy and Dennis Nelson, great-grandparents are Kermit and Gloria Thompson.
Bailey Jesslynn Akins was born on December 1 at Barron. Her parents are Shannon Lynn (Duval) and Jesse Akins. Grandparents are James and Laura Duval. Congratulations and best wishes to all.
Baptisms at St. Paul's and St. John's - Bailey Jesslynn Akins was born on Dec. 1 and baptized on January 21. Her parents are Shannon Lynn (Duval) and Jesse Akins. Sponsors are Deanne Duval, Ryan Duval, Dan & Angie Reid. Grandparents are James and Laura Duval. Emma Rae Humphrey, daughter of Chris and David Humphrey, was baptized on February 18. Rayna Lynn Case, daughter of Linn and Laura Case, was baptized at St. John's on February 11.
In Memory- Allen Kohn's mother, Margarete Elsie Clara Kohn passed away on January 15, 2006. She would have been 100 years old on February 19. Funeral Services were held on January 18 at the Forest United Methodist Church in Forest.
Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Herman Pitt. He passed away on Friday, May 26, 2006. Services were held on Tuesday, May 30 at St. John's Lutheran Church.
Trustees at St. Paul's reported that Tom and Don Krueger are doing the snowplowing for the church this season. Thank you.
Congratulations to the Confirmands: Jessica Heiden, Ericka Kemling, and Rebecca Warner at St. Paul's; Hanna and Mandy Ness at St. John's.
Jerusalem Market Place - Vacation Bible School - Thank you! Thank you, thank you to everyone who helped out in big and small fashions to make VBS another great success. Once again we had over 70 children register and averaged 60 children per night including Friday. Now realize please that most of these children are coming without their parents telling them they have to go. The children of our community want to come and learn about Jesus. God is doing amazing things in this community through our outreach effort of VBS! Let's keep it up!!Crystal figured that between all the children, the helpers, and the adults from Sunday's Fun Day through the close of VBS, over 110 people were involved (not counting those who gave to the Support a Child Program). That is tremendous and shows a great commitment to the Great Commission. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done!

The Sunday School sings at the Easter 2006 service, April 16, 2006. The Sunday School Music Director is Sarah Krarup and Cheryl Kemling is the Sunday School Superintendent.