4-H Clover

North Country 4-H

Deer Park, Wisconsin
General Leader Contacts: Lisa Weiske 246-2918 and Cheryl Kemling 246-2890

The North Country 4-H Club meets the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the basement at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Fun, games, community service, and planning for the fair are just some of the things the club enjoys!


Halloween Party Fun October 29, 2006

The North Country Volunteers who presented the most frightening event of 2006!

Costumes on Parade
The Cutest Winners

Hand painting
Hand Painting
Most Original
Most Original Winners

Scariest Winners!

Thanks to Cheryl Kemling for providing these Halloween images.

The 4-H Pledge

I Pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service,
and my Health to better living,
For my club, my community, my country, and my world.

November 2006 Highlights

North Country 4-Hers create Thanksgiving favors that will go to the Senior Center.
Hannah Ness

Hannah Ness from the Forest Timberwolves spoke at our November meeting about their trip to 4-H Congress in Madison. She explained about ME Forms and what we need to do to apply for trips through the 4-H program in St. Croix County.

December 2006 Highlights

Deer Park Fire Department
Andrew Krueger and Jeff Croes (in uniform)

Deer Park firemen, Andrew Krueger and Jeff Croes (in uniform), gave the North Country 4-H club a tour of the fire hall at the December 2006 meeting.

Before the tour they gave out valuable information on fire safety. These tours have proven out to be very beneficial in other areas as fire safety stays with young people for use throughout the rest of their life.

This was a great tour by the Deer Park Fire Department, thank you!

4-H at the Deer Park Fire Department
The North Country 4-H group enjoys a tour of the Deer Park Fire Department in December 2006.

More North Country 4-H Pages
| Fall 2007 | Winter-Summer 2007 | Fall 2006 | Summer 2006 | Winter-Spring 2006 | North Country in 2005 |
| Glenwood Fair Promotion 2005 | Easter 2004 | Easter 2005 | North Country 2001 |
| North Country Home Page | Deer Park Community Center Home |
| National 4-H Headquarters | National 4-H Council Home Page |