Deer Park, Wisconsin
General Leader Contacts: Lisa Weiske 246-2918 and Cheryl Kemling 246-2890
The North Country 4-H Club meets the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the basement at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Fun, games, community service, and planning for the fair are just some of the things the club enjoys!
December 2005 Highlights
Following our regular meeting the 4-Hers wrote cards to an Army Troop in Iraq we have adopted for Christmas. They also brought in things to send to the troops, such as shampoo, hard candy, CDs, etc. We will be sending pictures of the 4-Hers, along with their cards. WO1 William Petitt has also e-mailed pictures from Iraq to share with the 4-Hers.
October 2005 Highlights