Deer Park, Wisconsin
General Leader Contact: Cheryl Kemling 246-2890
The North Country 4-H Club meets the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the basement at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Fun, games, community service, and planning for the fair are just some of the things the club enjoys!
September 2008 Highlights
Officer Jason Sykora (a past Deer Park 4-H member) and his K-9 Doc came and spoke at the September 4-H meeting. Officer Sykora did an awesome job showing the 4-Hers and others attending some of the things Doc has learned in his six months on the force. Lots of questions were asked and answered and everyone had a great time! Thank you to the St. Croix County Sheriff's Office for attending our meeting!
September started our new 4-H year for 2008-2009.
Officers for 2008-2009 are: President - Aaron Kemling
Vice President - Marshall Kemling
Secretary/Reporter - Cassie Rutledge
Treasurer - Erica Kemling
Historian - Erica Echo
June 2008 Highlights
At the annual summer celebration, held on June 27, 2008, the North Country
4-H club sold root beer floats from 4 to 8, and the HCE group sold bars and
cookies. The 4-H and HCE had to move under the canopy when a downpour came
about 5:30-6 o'clock which lasted for about a ½ hour.
Easter 2008 Highlights
The 2008 Easter Egg Hunt took place on March 22, in the snowiest of conditions in recent memory. But 48 young people attended the event on a dark and dreary day anyhow.
Members present at the March 4-H meeting filled eggs, numbered prize eggs and prizes to give away.
A thank you from North Country 4-H goes to the Lions Club and Senior Center, along with members of the community who donated to make this year's Easter Egg Hunt successful.
February 2008 Highlights
February of 2008 was a month where much of the time the temperature was far below zero. But the North Country 4-H group was busy as ever with a variety of activities inside and out.
North Country went snow tubing at the Badlands, Hudson, WI on Sunday, February 3. Those attending: Erica, Aaron, and Marshall Kemling, and Aleena and Mason Krueger. They had a blast!
On February 11, Officer Josh Stenseth of the St. Croix County Sheriff's Department's K-9 Unit came with his dog Ace and spoke to the 4-Hers about the K-9 Unit and explained the drug programs being used in St. Croix County.
February activities included outdoor fun, education from the Saint Croix County Police Department and ended with a session making valentines for the senior citizens in the area.